6 small habits that lead to big change in your life
You may have heard the adage, “It takes 6 weeks to create a habit.” While science shows that’s not exactly accurate—it can take between 18 and 254 days—there is some truth behind that sentiment. Regardless of how long it takes to build a habit, once you’re committed to them, they’re tough to break. They take work, but it’s worth it once you get there.
In his book, Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything, BJ Fogg, a Stanford University behavior scientist, outlines a simple idea that can make a huge impact. His research shows that creating habits takes scaling it back to something so minuscule, it seems ridiculous to not tackle it. For example, he recommends starting with a paragraph if you want to start reading every day. Or, doing two jumping jacks after you brush your teeth to start exercising regularly. These simple changes begin to lead to much bigger changes psychologically. They help you feel successful and progress toward the larger habit.
Small habits are the key to creating big, positive changes. Whether at home or in business, I encourage you to work toward building the following 6 habits to bring positive change in your life. Following these small daily habits will help you grow happier and more productive in the long-term.
Celebrate your wins
Fogg writes in his book that celebrating your wins can create a positive brain hack. He encourages you to literally celebrate, whether it’s through fist pumps, a pat on the back, or shouting a quick, “Nice work!” out loud. He says these celebratory moments will help the habit stick.
Research shows growth creates more positive emotion. That leads to a dopamine release in the brain. The more we celebrate small wins along the way to meeting a goal, the more growth we start to see. Those small pats on the back allow us to take a moment and see where we’ve been and look forward to where we’re headed. And we’ll give ourselves the motivation to keep moving ahead.
Create and follow a daily schedule
Creating a schedule that you follow daily begins to build a routine. Consistency removes uncertainty about how to spend your days. It promotes self-care and helps you develop exercise habits. It can even make you more productive because your day is predictable and planned.
Begin by mapping out your day ahead of time. You may want to plan out meals, chores, and even a sleep schedule. Once you’re comfortable planning a day at a time, you may want to plan out your week ahead of time. You may eventually want to get more creative about how to structure your day to match your energy levels, too. But when the routine starts to stick, you will likely start to see more successes along the way. Don’t forget to celebrate those wins!
Set goals and track them
Goal setting is a critical piece of finding achievement in life. While some people may have lofty goals, like climbing Mount Everest or retiring at the age of 45, research shows that having big goals helps give us purpose and direction. What’s important is the small steps along the way that get us to those larger goals.
Keep track of the goals you’re meeting along the way that help you keep your eye on the prize. When you’re fully aware of the successes that get you to your end goal, no matter how big it may be, it keeps your motivation high and moves you to action. It’s exactly what you need to make sure you’re improving daily. Stay on track, it’s well worth it.
Reflect on your day
Do you ever take time at the end of the day to reflect on the lessons you learned? If not, it’s something you need to take time to do. Research shows people perform better and are happier and more productive than those who don’t reflect on their day.
Self-reflection can make you more self-aware. It can help you process your emotions and identify progress you’ve made. It can help you recognize what feels off-brand for you. And it can even help you take responsibility for your choices. Reflecting on your day can develop into a life-changing skill that will have a positive impact on your life.
Embrace gratitude daily
It’s hard to think about being grateful on hard days. But looking for it on those tough days have huge positive effects on how you show up every day. By embracing gratitude and actively practicing it, it can boost your mental health and even improve the relationships you have with those around you.
It helps to keep a gratitude journal or to share your gratitude with others. Take the time to think through the things that you appreciated throughout the day. Tell the people who helped you in some way how much you appreciate them. You may even start smiling over the small things. like how much the sun is shining or how great a cup of coffee smells. It can change your entire approach to how you see the world.
Look for ways to give back
One of the small things that can often have the biggest impact is when you choose to give back to those around you. Helping others releases serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin in your brain, which is great for your overall happiness. It’s even known to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and help you live longer.
It doesn’t have to take much to give back. If you’re on a budget, you can always volunteer or give your time to support somewhat you love both physically and emotionally. It’s worth it to give back to those around you. And it truly makes you feel incredible.
Final thoughts
Notice how all the small changes discussed above all drive motivation to do more. Those small changes are worth the effort. They’ll pay off in the long-run as you look for big changes. Do you have any other small habits to recommend? Share yours in the comments!
Jim Allen is a business leader and entrepreneur who has built one of the top-producing real estate groups in the Triangle. He is President of The Jim Allen Group, which is consistently named one of the top real estate teams in North Carolina and even North America.