What Does Being a Part of The Jim Allen Group Mean to You?
I love working with the JAG team because it’s like working with family. Everyone here is so welcoming and helpful in all ways possible.
How Long Have You Called North Carolina Home?
I moved to NC in 1995. I have physically lived in NC for 22 years though.
If You Had Unlimited Time and Resources, How Would You Spend Your Days?
I would spend my days at home, with a fluffy blanket and a good book in front of a fireplace. But being that I have a child who is the complete opposite of me, our days would be spend at Disney world or on a cruise ship. We would be hitting all the zoos and parks around the world. We would spend our days together on beautiful beaches or at lakes fishing the day away.
What’s Your Favorite Local Restaurant?
I’m always on the look out for good Mexican, Italian, Japanese and Americana foods. My favorite places would be like Kanki and Olive Garden. I always love a good burger so Wayback or Red Robin is always a win!
How Would You Describe Yourself in One Word, and Why?
One word to describe me would have to be committed. I am that person who once I get going on something, I don’t stop until it’s done
Asheville or Wilmington?
It’s a hard choice between the two. I mean I love Asheville for the zoo but I love Wilmington for the beach, battleship and the mom-and-pop shops downtown.
What Causes/Charities Do You Care About?
I care about veterans and disabled vets. My family is full of veterans and we care very deeply about their treatment, especially after being deployed.
Who are the People (and Pets) that Keep You Motivated?
My daughter is the reason why I get up every morning and do what I do. Besides her, my other motivators are my mom and stepdad, my four sisters and two brother, my two nieces and two nephews, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles and my three best friends.