Don’t Be Surprised On Moving Day | Read These Tips For Planning

The JAG Team

No matter how many times you’ve packed up and moved before, relocating to a new area or home is a lot of work. Check out these professional moving tips that can greatly reduce the amount of stress you have to endure during your next big move!

Start by making a list of all the things you need to get done in the weeks leading up to the move. This might include buying cleaning products, changing your address with the post office, securing a moving company, asking a friend to come over and help with the kiddos/pets, having duplicate keys made, and getting all your packing supplies ready. Try sitting down with your spouse or partner so you can both contribute to the list; this way, nothing will get left out and you’ll know what to expect.

Next, you can use this as an opportunity to purge some things you don’t need. This is a great way to pare down on the things you have to pack and move, and if they still have some use left in them, you can make a donation to your local Salvation Army.

Here are some of the best tips on how to cut down on stress when moving day rolls around.


Get organized

Make lists. Packing lists, shopping lists, to-do lists, any kind of list that will help you feel on top of things. Make copies of them so everyone in the family will be on the same page. Set up a playdate for the kids or pets on the big day so you know they’ll be safe and out of the way. Once you finish something, cross it off the list; this helps you feel accomplished and will keep you motivated, even if it’s a small task.


Gather all your supplies

Once you’re ready to start packing, it will help immensely to have all your supplies together before you dig in. Having to stop and run to the store for packing tape or go on a hunt for scissors will only stress you out and prolong the process, so begin with several boxes in varied sizes, tape, scissors, trash bags, cleaning supplies, and a big black marker to write on the outside of the boxes. You can also have paper and a pen handy to create packing lists for each box, which you can tape on the outside so everything will be easy to find.

Just as important as what you should pack is what not to pack. This includes medication, important paperwork, checkbooks or money, and anything you know you’ll need on moving day. Keep aside a separate box for these items so you can throw them in right before you leave and have them with you.



From talking to your family members about what your needs will be on moving day to communicating with the movers to make sure everyone is on the same page, it’s important to keep the lines of communication open and ensure that nothing gets left out.


Clean and purge

Take this opportunity to clean and get rid of anything you don’t use anymore. A good rule of thumb is that if you haven’t made use of something in six months or more (unless it’s a strictly seasonal item), it’s probably okay to go ahead and toss or donate it. Make piles in each room for donations, trash, keep, and sell; you might be able to have a garage sale before the move and make some extra cash.

With a move comes a lot of details, but they don’t have to be overwhelming. Stay as organized as you can and don’t forget to ask for help; no one can do everything themselves.

by CHawley | Triangle Today