How to inspire your team through meaningful work

How to inspire your team through meaningful work, blog post cover image

Jim Allen

A common theme that people want in the workplace is something research has shown is important no matter the demographic or background. People want to find meaning in their work. In fact, that research shows meaningfulness within a job is more important than pay, rewards, promotions, and working conditions.

One thing we also know is that younger generations — Gen Z in particular — are prioritizing the things that make them happy, including meaningful work. That means that in today’s work environment, the demand for more meaningful work opportunities is crucial to keep your employees engaged, productive, and wanting to stay at your company long-term. How can you make sure you’re giving your team what they need to stay inspired? Here is what you need to know.

Understand what your team considers ‘meaningful’

It’s often stated that meaningful work is anything that gives employees a sense of fulfillment, value, and connection. While the idea of what brings a person fulfillment, value, or connection can vary from person to person, the concept of meaningful work boils down to what organizations do for their employees: provide quality jobs that help build culture and leaders within the workplace.

For many people, that means giving them opportunities to grow, share purpose, and have a positive impact. That means, as a leader, you need to learn what your team believes is meaningful. If you’ve been working to build a culture around specific values, the great news is you should already have a good understanding of what made your team want to work for your company in the first place. From there, it takes prioritizing your shared values and giving them opportunities to contribute.

Focus on your role in fostering great culture

As a business leader, one of your important roles is shaping how your team perceives the work they’re doing. That means you must prioritize the culture of your company. Your culture is dependent upon having a clear vision and purpose that your team sees and strives to emulate every day. But it takes more than just stating what your values are; you must give your team opportunities to live up to those values.

Great leaders focus on their team. They provide professional development opportunities that show team members they are invested in their growth. A good leader recognizes and rewards achievements their team has made. They support their team by giving them opportunities to lead every day, to collaborate and innovate, and to see that their work is making a difference. Focus on giving your team the best environment and then let them shine.

Talk about what’s meaningful

Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) says that meaningful work “arises when an individual perceives an authentic connection between work and a broader transcendent life purpose beyond the self.” That means it’s incredibly important to have constant conversations about what your team is doing to find meaning in their work. MIT’s findings show work is most meaningful when it contributes to others beyond themselves, gives them challenges to solve, shows them personal relevance, gives them a chance to reflect thoughtfully, and can see how others’ lives are impacted by their work.

In real estate, these factors are often realized when we see a person, couples, or families find their dream home and imagine what their futures will look like. It’s incredibly fulfilling. But the same fulfillment can come from any level of work, as long as your team has a chance to think about what they’re doing and how it relates to the bigger picture. Give them the chance to process and connect their work to bigger moments. Ask them what they were proud of this week. Talk to them about the past, present, and future to encourage them to reflect on their progress and set goals that will keep them engaged toward creating impact.

Set your team up for success

Once you have the stage set, it’s important that you keep giving your team the tools to succeed as they search for deeper meaning in their day-to-day activities. That means giving them opportunities to grow, develop, and connect over shared projects that strengthen collaboration and meet goals.

Consider this: Starbucks focuses its growth model around a mission that’s grounded in human connection. While it may seem difficult to focus on the concept of human connection with more than 38,000 stores across the globe, it’s at the heart of everything they do and serves as a reminder to its team every day. There’s no doubt it’s part of the Starbucks success story, and something their employees can reflect on at the end of the day. Give your team that reminder of their greater mission, then give them opportunities every day to deliver on it. Make sure there are moments baked into their daily work that help them reflect on their contributions and grow their confidence.

Meaningful work contributes to something greater

When you have a meaningful workplace, you’ll have a thriving organization. That’s because meaningful work leads to enhanced employee satisfaction and productivity, as well as employee retention. And when your employees are happy and fully engaged, they tend to bring more innovative ideas and solutions to the table. It’s something every business should strive to do for its team.

Jim Allen is a business leader and entrepreneur who has built one of the top-producing real estate groups in the Triangle. He is President of The Jim Allen Group, which is consistently named one of the top real estate teams in North Carolina and even North America.